Worship Volunteers
Worship provides many ways to discover, develop, and share our talents and gifts. We invite you and your children ages ~8 and up to join in wherever your interests are. You will receive training to feel confident in your role.
Simply ask around after one of the services for Sandy Rowland (Worship Team Lead), or a coordinator listed below, or call or email the church office for someone’s contact information.
Worship volunteer schedules can be found in our monthly print newsletter, The Summit.
How may I serve?
Acolytes prepare our worship space with the lighting of candles.
Altar Guild members prepare the bread, wine and juice for us and set the table for the Eucharist meal before our worship service. Coordinator: Jeanie Schultz
Assisting ministers may read or chant the Kyrie, Psalm, prayers and sending words; receive our offering at the table; and help the pastor and communion servers. Coordinator: Sandy Roland
Audio/Visual Technicians operate the soundboard and slide projector, and record the lessons and sermon. Coordinator: Marshall Pihl
Coffee Hour Servers provide the hospitality of hot and cool drinks and treats to share during our conversations after worship. Coordinator: Carol Harvey
Communion servers offer us wine and juice as Christ’s blood shed for us. Coordinator: Office
Greeters welcome us as we gather and hand out worship bulletins. Coordinator: Office
Lectors proclaim God’s Word to us. Coordinator: Office
Musicians lead us in singing together to God. Coordinators: Paul Woodring (traditional), Dave Becker (contemporary)
Ushers hand out worship bulletins, assist congregants when needed, collect and present our offering at the table, and guide us through communion. Coordinator: Office